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Una selezione di libri di testo sulla gestione dello sport e del calcio in particolare, con un’attenzione speciale per ciò che riguarda la governance ed il ruolo dei tifosi

ultimo aggiornamento dom 05 giu 2011


The Changing Face of the Football Business: Supporters Direct, edited by Sean Hamil etc. (Routledge, 2000)


This examination of changes taking place in the world of football focuses on its growing commercialization. It covers such topics as fans becoming shareholders, with a say in the running of the clubs, and the setting-up of a government-sponsored scheme to support shareholder trusts.

 Il libro che ripercorre la nascita del movimento dei Supporters Trusts nel Regno Unito.


A Game of Two Halves? : The Business of Football, edited by Sean Hamil, Jonathan Mitchie, and Christine Oughton (Mainstream Publishing, 1999)

A Game of Two Halves?: The Business of Football

The football business is changing while the game’s traditional regulatory institutions are struggling to keep up with the problems raised by the sport’s success. This work takes a look at who runs football and where the increasing amounts of money that flow into the game actually go. Contributors include David Conn, author of “The Football Business”; Armand Caraben, a former general manager of Barcelona Football Club; Adam Brown, a member of the Football Task Force; Brian Lomax, elected director of Northampton Town; Andy Walsh, chairman of the Independent Manchester United Supporters’ Association; and a number of leading academics and analysts in the areas of corporate governance and regulation. Despite the problems, the authors are far from pessimistic. There are new forms of ownership emerging that combine fan equity with the new commercialism, and increasing revenue provides an opportunity to strengthen football from the grass-roots up. Seizing these opportunities means learning lessons from the past and developing systems of regulation that will enable the whole game to flourish – from the local park teams to the Premier League.

Gli interventi della prima conferenze tenuta al Birkbeck College di Londra sull’opportunità di un cambiamento nella proprietà e nella governance delle società di calcio e del coinvolgimento dei tifosi.


Football in the Digital Age: Whose Game is it Anyway?, edited by  edited by Sean Hamil, Jonathan Mitchie, Christine Oughton and Steve Warby (Mainstream Publishing, 2000)

Football in the Digital Age: Whose Game is it Anyway?

A new world club championship, an extended European Champions’ League – huge changes are sweeping through football globally. The national leagues are directly affected. This text is a comprehensive analysis of these developments. The English game has been at the centre of this turmoil. The defeat in 1999 of BSkyB’s bid for Manchester United has led the TV company to secure stakes in other clubs, while remaining the biggest shareholder by far in Manchester United itself. Practical assistance is being given to supporter shareholder groups to introduce some democratic accountability of clubs to their supporters and local communities.

Un’altra pietra miliare, gli interventi alla seconda conferenza al Birkbeck College.


Managing Football: An International Perspective, edited by Sean Hamil and Simon Chadwick  (Butterworth Heinemann, 2009)

Managing Football is the first book to directly respond to the rapid managerial, commercial and global development of the sport and offers a thorough analysis of how the football industry can meet the challenges that flow from these developments. Expertly edited by two well known specialists in football business management, it draws together the work of a world-class contributor team to form a comprehensive analysis of the most important issues facing the managers of football businesses across the world. The cutting edge analysis examines all the important business challenges in the football industry and the management of football businesses and covers all of the key football markets including England, Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Australia, North America, China, South Africa, South Korea, the Netherlands & Belgium, and Mexico. Managing Football is simply a must-read for anyone studying or working in football business management and is set to be an important landmark in this rapidly moving and globally expansive field.

Da segnalare in particolare il capitolo 2 in cui si analizzano le differenze tra i tre principali modelli proprietari nel calcio inglese:  la società quotata in borsa, il Supporter Trust ed il magnate straniero.


The People’s Game?: Football, Finance and Society, by Stephen Morrow (Palgrave Macmillan, 2003)

The People's Game?: Football, Finance and Society

The beautiful game is big business. Football leagues worldwide are being dominated by clubs who are becoming richer and more powerful. Enormous corporate investment, deals with media giants, huge volumes of merchandising and dedicated TV channels mean that football teams are as concerned with the affairs of the boardroom as what is going on on the pitch. In this text, Stephen Morrow examines the changing face of football, looking at issues such as the role of the stock exchange, the viability of the stakeholder approach, the “new economics” of football including the role of media firms and the social impact of the sport.

Non più nuovissimo ma imprescindibile.


The Business of Sport Management, by John Beech and Simon Chadwick (Financial Times/ Prentice Hall, 2004)

The scale and importance of the lucrative sport industry demands quality business professionals. This ground-breaking new book equips the manager and future manager of sport organisations with the tools they need to deliver. The Business of Sport Management is ideal for students of sports management on programmes of leisure studies, sports studies and business studies. Written and contributed to by leading academics and practitioners in UK, Europe and Australia it is also of great interest to practitioners working in sport businesses.Blending both theory and practice The Business of Sports Management looks at the distinctive context of sport organisations. It then looks at management theories and practice within the functional areas such as finance, human resource management and marketing. Finally it considers contemporary issues of importance such as sponsorship and endorsement, risk management and the media. Set in an international environment the authors have been careful to choose stimulating examples from a wide variety of sports.

Un vero e proprio manuale per gli sstudenti dei corsi di sport management.


The Economics of Football, by  Stephen Dobson and  John Goddard (Cambridge University Press, 2001)

This book presents a detailed economic analysis of professional football at club level, using a combination of economic reasoning and statistical and econometric analysis. Most of the original empirical research reported in the book is based on English club football. A wide range of international comparisons help emphasize both the broader relevance as well as the unique characteristics of the English experience. Specific topics include: the links between football clubs’ financial strength and competitive balance and uncertainty of outcome; the determinants of professional footballers’ compensation; measuring the football manager’s contribution to team performance, the determinants of managerial change, and its effects on team performance; patterns of spectator demand for attendance; predicting match results, betting on football, and the market in football clubs’ company shares. The book concludes with an extended discussion of the major economic policy issues currently facing football’s legislators and administrators worldwide.

Uno dei primi testi che applica la microeconomia al calcio, soprattutto inglese.


Winners and Losers – The Business Strategy of Football,  by Stefan Szymanski and Tim Kuypers (Penguin Books, 2000)

This text uses statistical and documentary evidence to illustrate how football works as a business, and the techniques of business strategy to explain why some clubs are winners and others are not. After a historical description of football’s finances, the book moves to a contemporary analysis of the state of the game financially. Embedded in the text are various analyses of the modern English game including a league table of major teams that compares success on the field with that off the field since the war.

Un altro testo base di “microeconomia calcistica”, ormai quasi introvabile.


Playbooks and Checkbooks: An Introduction to the Economics of Modern Sports (Princeton University Press, 2009)

Mr. Szymanski, an economics professor at the Cass Business School at City University in London, tackles the apparent paradoxes of the sports business in the head-on style of an N.F.L. linebacker. . . . He displays an impressive global knowledge of sports ranging from basketball and cricket to tennis and rugby, and provides a wealth of revealing financial information as well as entertaining sports trivia. A deft mix of sports, history, and accessible economic ideas. Read it and enjoy.

Un testo agile e godibile per avvicinarsi all’economia degli sport professionistici.

 Il management del calcio. La partita più lunga, a cura di Francesco Bof , Fabrizio Montanari , Giacomo Silvestri (Franco Angeli, 2008)

 L’idea di una pubblicazione sui temi manageriali legati al mondo dello sport in generale, e a quello del calcio in particolare, nasce da tre ordini di considerazioni. Il primo riguarda la rilevanza reale, ma anche potenziale, del calcio, nella nostra società e per la nostra industria. Il “sistema calcio” rappresenta un fenomeno “glocale” e trasversale che, all’interno del nostro sistema paese, assume una grande e crescente importanza sociale, mediatica ed economica: con 5 miliardi di euro di volume d’affari annuo è una delle principali attività del Paese e i 40 milioni di cittadini interessati ne fanno il principale fenomeno sociale e mediatico di massa. Il secondo riguarda i recenti accadimenti di cronaca, che sembrano non avere mai fine, e che dimostrano quanto sia urgente correre ai ripari per sanare le grandi patologie del sistema calcio, la cui crisi è certamente da attribuirsi, oltre che a comportamenti di dubbia moralità (quando non palesemente illeciti), anche ad una diffusa assenza di cultura e competenze manageriali tra quanti sono deputati a governare e gestire le dinamiche del sistema e le attività dei club. A ciò si aggiunge la carenza, nella letteratura accademica e manageriale, di testi, ricerche e studi in questo campo. Questo libro fornisce le risposte che gli operatori del calcio si attendono e che possono soddisfare le aspettative degli attori sociali ed economici che nel calcio sono coinvolti: dai cittadini, alle istituzioni, alle imprese.

Uno dei libri più interessanti degli ultimi anni tra quelli in italiano. Qui la scheda completa.


Analisi giuridica dell’economia (Vol. 2, 2005): Il calcio professionistico. Evoluzione e crisi tra «football club» e impresa lucrativa.

Qui l’indice della rivista.

Un numero monografico che spazia tra vari argomenti legati al calcio, con una visione internazionale.


Regulating Football: Commodification, Consumption and the Law, by Steve Greenfield and Guy Osborn (Pluto Press, 2001)

Regulating Football: Commodification, Consumption and the Law

This work looks at the impact of the ever-increasing commercialization of football. Providing historical background, the book looks at the implications for clubs, and questions whether we have reached the point where commercial issues have superseded the club and even football itself.



Lo sport e le sue leggi. Norme, regolamenti e sentenze, di Guido Martinalli (Il sole 24 ore Pirola, 2008)

Il volume si prefigge lo scopo di rendere più agevoli le ricerche degli atti normativi che regolano e governano l’attività sportiva e motoria in Italia. Negli ultimi anni, infatti, abbiamo assistito ad una profonda evoluzione legislativa nonché ad una ricca produzione giurisprudenziale. Si potranno ritrovare le leggi che regolano l’ “ordinamento sportivo”, per passare agli atti normativi del Coni e delle Federazioni sportive nazionali, le norme in materia di tutela sanitaria, impianti, costituzione e gestione di associazioni e società sportive, interventi normativi sotto il profilo della tutela assicurativa e previdenziale. Viene dato risalto alle norme che regolano il confine sempre più labile tra giustizia sportiva ed ordinaria dando, altresì, ampio risalto alla produzione normativa delle Regioni e delle Province autonome in materia di attività motoria e sportiva. Il lavoro è corredato dai più consolidati orientamenti giurisprudenziali dei Tribunali ordinari ed amministrativi che, allorchè investiti di questioni legate alla pratica sportiva, hanno spesso saputo dare le giuste risposte al mondo dello sport anticipando, talvolta, le scelte del legislatore.


Il marketing sportivo. Analisi, strategie, strumenti, di Sergio Cherubini (Franco Angeli, 2000)

Il primo volume che propone un approccio sistematico e pratico al marketing sportivo, basato su un’ampia documentazione di esperienze italiane e straniere.

Qui la scheda e l’indice.

Il testo di riferimento per chi si interessa di marketing sportivo in Italia.

I corollari: Marketing, comunicazione, eventi. L’esperienza dello sport (2005, vedi la scheda), Il co-marketing degli impianti sportivi (2003, vedi la scheda), Internet sport co-marketing (2002, vedi la scheda), Campioni e co-marketing sportivo (2001, vedi la scheda), Media e co-marketing sportivo. Strategie di convergenza nel mercato globale e locale (2000, vedi la scheda), Il co-marketing sportivo (2000, vedi la scheda). 


Sport marketing. Il nuovo ruolo della comunicazione, di Patrizia Zagnoli ed Elena Radicchi (Franc o Angeli, nuova edizione 2008)

L’esigenza di un testo di marketing sportivo rivisitato alla luce dell’affermazione dei nuovi media, nasce dal contrasto tra la complessità dei fenomeni in corso e la diffusa arretratezza nell’utilizzo di adeguati strumenti di marketing riscontrabile nel mondo sportivo. L’intento è di contribuire allo sviluppo di un’adeguata cultura progettuale e manageriale degli operatori delle associazioni e delle imprese del settore sportivo, delle leghe, delle federazioni, degli atleti, dei produttori di attrezzature, degli organizzatori di eventi.

Gli ultimi aggiornamenti in materia di marketing sportivo.

Qui scheda ed indice.


Marketing and Football: an international perspective, edited by  Michel Desbordes and Simon Chadwick (Butterworth-Heinemann, 2006)

Football is arguably one of the most important sports in the world, and the marketing of football has become an increasingly important issue, as clubs and product owners need to generate more revenue from the sport. In a wider context, football marketing has also become a benchmarking standard for other sports to learn from worldwide. The practices and processes of such an established industry are important lessons for those sports which are yet to maximise on their potential earnings, and provide interesting lessons in sports marketing in general.
Marketing and Football: an international approach is the first book to provide a comprehensive and entirely global approach to this subject. Written by an international team of contributors who are keen researchers in the field, it examines in two parts: the study of football marketing in Europe and the development of a marketing dedicated to football, with the question of the European example being used worldwide. A ground breaking text, it provides the reader with:
* Contributions from the UK, Norway, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Finland, Scotland, Brazil, Japan, USA, Canada, Argentina, Korea and Australia
* Interviews with professional sports marketers representing some of the biggest clubs worldwide: Juventus Turin, FC Barcelona, Milan AC, Inter Milan, AS Rome, Olympique Lyonnais, Vicenza, SE Palmeiras, Atletico Mineiro, Atletico PR
Marketing and Football: an international approach is a seminal text which will pave the way for future academics and practitioners to work, it is the first book to discuss and move towards a marketing dedicated to football.
* The first and only book ever published on the Marketing of Football
* Written by a team of international and well renowned contributors
* Every chapter includes an interview with a practitioner of football marketing, for insider insight.

Una interessante rassegna internazionale di  saggi sul marketing del calcio. Da segnalare il capitolo sul FC Barcelona e l’intervista al direttore marketing dei blaugrana. 


Comunicazione e marketing delle imprese sportive. Dall’analisi strategica alla gestione del marchio e delle sponsorizzazioni, di Alessandro Prunesti (Franco Angeli, 2008)

L’attività svolta da società sportive, federazioni, leghe e aziende che investono nello sport è al centro di un rapido processo di convergenza sociale, economica e mediatica che trova completa attuazione nell’ambito dello sport business. Nel momento in cui le competizioni sportive si trasformano in eventi e l’offerta di sport assume i caratteri di un prodotto capace di trascendere dalla sua originaria natura ludica, la conoscenza delle strategie di comunicazione e marketing diviene fondamentale. Essere in grado di pianificare una strategia di marketing, valorizzare un marchio, gestire le attività di sponsorizzazione e realizzare una proficua attività di comunicazione costituisce la competenza necessaria per operare con successo nel campo dello sport e generare valore in grado di soddisfare le esigenze del pubblico e di tutti i soggetti imprenditoriali che decidono di investire nell’attività svolta dall’impresa sportiva. Il volume descrive le più evolute teorie e tecniche di comunicazione e marketing applicabili nel mercato dello sport, supportato da esempi pratici e dalle case history di Piazza di Siena e Casa Italia.

Qui la scheda e l’indice.


The Sport Empire: v. 1: The Business of Sports, by  James Skinner and Allan Edwards (Meyer & Meyer, 2005)

The Sport Empire applies a new theoretical lens to provide a greater understanding of the globalisation of sport. Drawing on the work of Hardt and Negri in their ground breaking book “Empire” this book critiques the globalisation of sport from an Autonomist Marxist perspective. This analysis is supported by numerous international sport examples that highlight how sport is being governed by a select group of sport organisations, multinational companies and media conglomerates. This domination of the sport industry is marginalising disadvantaged groups and is subsequently being challenged by new methods of protest and resistance. The Sport Empire provides compelling reading for those interested in the effects of globalisation of sport.


Ethics, Money and Sport, by Adrian Walsh and Richard Giulianotti (Routledge, 2006)

Written from the contrasting yet complementary perspectives of sociology and philosophy, this book explores the far-reaching ethical consequences of the runaway commodification of sport, focusing on those instances where commodification gives rise to morally undesirable consequences. The authors consider three main areas of concern for participators and observers alike: the corrosion of the core meanings and values of sport, the increasing elitism of access to sporting commodities, and the undermining of social conditions that support sporting communities. Unique in its focus on the ethical dimension of the powerful economics of today’s sport, this book will be of interest, not only to those in the fields of sports studies and ethics of sport, but also to academics, researchers and students in philosophy of morality, sociology, and the ethics of globalization as viewed through the ultimate globalized phenomenon of modern sport.


L’ invasione dell’Ultracalcio. Anatomia di uno sport mutante, di Pippo Russo (Ombre Corte, 2005)

Molti sono i cambiamenti che hanno caratterizzato il calcio nell’ultimo quindicennio. Si tratta di tutta quella serie di micro-variazioni che riguardano il regolamento e la sua interpretazione, i gesti, i valori, e ciò che si può definire il corredo simbolico del gioco. Pezzo dopo pezzo, il calcio si è trasformato in Ultracalcio. Come gli ultracorpi del famoso film di Don Siegel, anche il calcio è diventato qualcosa d’altro mantenendo le stesse sembianze. In apparenza uguale a se stesso, in realtà ha subito una trasformazione che assomiglia a una mutazione genetica. Il calcio attuale è qualcosa di completamente diverso da ciò che era fino all’alba degli anni Novanta.


Pay As You Play: The True Price of Success in the Premier League Era, by  Paul Tomkins, Graeme Riley e Gary Fulcher (GPRF Publishing, 2010)

As billionaire ‘super-benefactors’ fight for the right to own English football clubs, “Pay As You Play” takes a detailed look at the correlation between success and transfer spending. Tactics, motivation, fitness and luck play a part; but is an expensive squad increasingly essential for success? Which managers have excelled in the transfer market? And who blew their budgets on bad buys? Which clubs punched above their financial weight, and which ones punched well below theirs? What players proved to be great value for their price tag, and who ended up as a shocking waste of money? By converting all Premier League transfer fees since 1992 to current-day prices – using our specially devised Transfer Price Index (TPI) system to give precise ‘football inflation’ figures – teams could be accurately assessed against one another, whether from 1993 or 2010. How would the prices paid for Dean Saunders, Roy Keane or Frank Lampard compare with Thierry Henry, Wayne Rooney or Robinho? All 43 clubs to have played in the Premier League up to May 2010 are analysed, with noted writers and journalists – including Jonathan Wilson, Gabriele Marcotti and Oliver Kay – also providing their views on the club they support or report on. All in all, it makes for an entertaining and revealing read on the world’s most popular game, and its most appealing league.

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